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For-else Loop


In Python, the for-else loop offers a unique construct that combines the traditional for-loop with an optional else block. This else block executes only under specific conditions, providing a clean way to handle scenarios after the loop completes normally.


For-else loop structure for item in iterable: # Loop body (statements executed for each item in the iterable) if condition: # Optional condition # Optional statements to execute if the condition is met else: # Statements executed only if the loop completes normally # (i.e., without encountering a `break` statement)

Key Points:

Iteration: The for loop iterates through the elements of an iterable (like a list, string, or tuple). ⯌ Loop Body: For each iteration, the statements within the loop body are executed using the current item from the iterable. ⯌ Optional Condition: You can include an optional if condition within the loop body. If this condition evaluates to True for any iteration, the loop exits, and any statements following it (including the else block) are skipped. ⯌ else Block Execution: The else block executes only if the loop completes iterating through all elements in the iterable and no break statement was used to terminate the loop prematurely. This allows you to perform actions specific to the successful completion of the loop.

Basic example

For else loop basic example in python numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] found_even = False for num in numbers: if num % 2 == 0: # Check for even number found_even = True break # Exit the loop if even number is found else: print("No even number found in the list.") if found_even: print("An even number was found in the list.")


An even number was found in the list.
Explanation : ⯌ The loop iterates through the numbers list. ⯌ If an even number is encountered (num % 2 == 0), found_even is set to True, and the loop is terminated using break. ⯌ Since the loop exits due to break, the else block is skipped. ⯌ The outer if statement checks if found_even was changed, indicating an even number was found.

Use Cases:

⯌ Checking Conditions After Loop Completion: The else block is ideal for performing actions that depend on whether the loop iterated through all elements successfully. For example, checking if a specific value was found in a list. ⯌ Cleaning Up Resources: If the loop involves resource management (like opening files), the else block can be used to ensure proper cleanup, even if the loop terminates early due to a condition.


⯌ The else block won't execute if the loop exits using break. ⯌ Use for-else judiciously to avoid overly complex loop structures. Consider using a flag or separate loop for specific post-processing if needed. ⯌ By effectively using the for-else loop, you can enhance the readability and efficiency of your Python code for various looping tasks.

Examples of for-else loop

Checking if a number is prime:

Checking if a number is prime or not using for-else in python num = 17 for i in range(2, num): if num % i == 0: print(f"{num} is not a prime number") break else: print(f"{num} is a prime number")


17 is a prime number

Searching for an item in a list:

Searching for an item in a list using for-else loop fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for fruit in fruits: if fruit == "mango": print("Mango is in the list") break else: print("Mango is not in the list")


Mango is not in the list

Checking if a string contains a vowel:

Checking if a string contains a vowel in python word = "rhythm" for char in word: if char in "aeiou": print("The word contains a vowel") break else: print("The word does not contain a vowel")


The word does not contain a vowel

Checking if all numbers in a list are positive:

Checking if numbers in a list are positive in python numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for num in numbers: if num <= 0: print("Not all numbers are positive") break else: print("All numbers are positive")


All numbers are positive

Checking if a number is in a range:

Checking if a number is in a range using for-else loop num = 10 for i in range(5, 15): if num == i: print(f"{num} is in the range") break else: print(f"{num} is not in the range")


10 is in the range

Checking if a list contains a duplicate:

Checking if a list contains a duplicate in python numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for i in range(len(numbers)): for j in range(i + 1, len(numbers)): if numbers[i] == numbers[j]: print("The list contains a duplicate") break else: continue break else: print("The list does not contain a duplicate")


The list does not contain a duplicate

Checking if a string is a palindrome:

Checking if a string is a palindrome or not in python word = "radar" for i in range(len(word) // 2): if word[i] != word[-i - 1]: print("The word is not a palindrome") break else: print("The word is a palindrome")


The word is a palindrome

Checking if a number is a Fibonacci number:

Checking if a number is a Fibonacci number or not in python num = 13 a, b = 0, 1 while a < num: if a == num: print(f"{num} is a Fibonacci number") break a, b = b, a + b else: print(f"{num} is not a Fibonacci number")


13 is not a Fibonacci number

Checking if a number is a perfect square:

Checking if a number is a perfect square using for-else loop in python num = 16 for i in range(1, num + 1): if i * i == num: print(f"{num} is a perfect square") break else: print(f"{num} is not a perfect square")


16 is a perfect square

Checking if a number is a perfect cube:

Cube or not example using for-else loop in python num = 27 for i in range(1, num + 1): if i * i * i == num: print(f"{num} is a perfect cube") break else: print(f"{num} is not a perfect cube")


27 is a perfect cube

In each of these examples, the for loop goes through each item in the iterable (list, string, dictionary, set, or tuple) and executes the code block for each item. If the for loop completes normally (without encountering a break), the else block is executed.


★python ★ loop ★ for-else
